County Clerk Land Records

Effective 11-1-2023, all Deeds filed in the County Clerk's office MUST be accompanied by an Affidavit for Ownership or Title to Land.

County Clerk

The County Clerk's Office

Robin Slack
County Clerk
Political Party
In office since
Read Bio
Robin Slack
Robin Slack
County Clerk

  • Serves as the registrar of deeds and custodian of records
  • Serves as secretary to various boards, posting agendas and recording proceedings
  • Reviews all claims, prepares warrants for payment, and keeps financial ledger
  • Maintains a "judgment docket" where orders from the district court on real property are entered
  • Maintains a list of fees that can be charged for copying documents which are classified as "open records"
  • Undergoes annual check by the State Auditor and Inspector
  • Does not have blank forms unless required by the Attorney General and can not complete forms to be recorded and filed

Effective 11-1-2023:

The Oklahoma Attorney General is requiring an Affidavit for Ownership or Title to Land to be filed with every Deed. A separate Affidavit is required for each person coming into title. Forms may be found under the "Forms" tab, the Attorney General's website at https://www.oag.ok.gov/public-forms or available for the price of a copy in our office. SB212 amendment to Title 60 ยง121.

Front Row: Pauline Yount and Leah Strahm
Second Row: Stacey Brace and Melanie Daniels
Third Row: Stacy Kirk and Brett Bennett
Fourth Row: Robin Slack and Rebekah Reeves
Fifth Row: Dawn Ryan
Not Pictured: Trini Haddon, Elyssa Hornbeck and Becky Holt

Some content may be extracted from OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet AGEC-802 and/or the County Training Program website. More complete information is available from these sources.